Welcome to the Tarotscopes for May 2023!
I am so pleased to be able to have got the Tarotscopes done for the coming month. Last month it was impossible for me to do them with a house move, followed by a chest infection and the inevitable exhaustion which followed soon after. Luckily I am on the mend now (a little bit slower than usual though). I’m not truly 100% better yet so please overlook any editing errors or silly mistakes.
It was interesting to see The Emperor turn up so many times in these tarotscopes! Five times in all! It seems there could be strong, powerful energies about in May – we need to be ready to harness that energy if we can. Hopefully the tarotscopes will show you how.
My tarotscope indicates the end of a difficult period of time and I am extremely happy about that! I hope your tarotscopes will help you be prepared, in the best possible way, for the coming month. Thank you for reading them.
Have a really excellent May – best wishes to you all,

Earlier in the month the Eight of Cups suggest some sort of disappointment with regard to a relationship – it doesn’t have to be a romantic one – but one in which you have invested a lot of time and effort. Sometimes this card can represent a separation from someone you really care(d) about and you might be feeling upset. However you feel with regard to this relationship the message from this card is to accept there is little you can do to change the situation, and the best advice is to keep moving forward. Don’t allow yourself to get ‘stuck’ in the hurt, upset or worry, but to begin living your life in the best way for you. The sooner you do this the sooner you will start to feel better.
This is endorsed, as you head into the second part of the month, by The Chariot card. This card is about making a decision regarding what you want to achieve; to grab the reins of your own life and hold fast to those reins to steer yourself towards the goal you have set for yourself. The horses in the image represent ‘opposites’, and they portray how the chariot driver can be pulled in different directions by these horses unless the driver is strong enough to guide the horses through the hold on their reins. So, the message is that once you’ve made your decision stick to it and don’t allow other forces, or people, to divert you from your path.
Toward the end of the month your finances might need your attention. The Four of Pentacles is a card which advises that, although being careful with money is a sensible thing, there are times when an opportunity, which you might find tempting, is bypassed through fear of making a financial mistake – and this might mean you missing out on something that could really benefit you. Perhaps, if this happens to you this month, it will be worth considering whether taking a chance on it is possible – providing you have fail-safes in place in case it doesn’t work out.

Early in May the focus is likely to be on communications, logic and intellect – the Queen of Swords would suggest that you rely on facts and information, rather than emotions regarding any decisions or tasks you are faced with. This Queen is always alert and ready to apply her critical thinking skills to undertake the tasks she is given. She is incredibly capable and knowledgeable and will find out exactly what needs to be done instead of just ‘giving something a go’. So, asking questions, being clear in your own explanations and researching anything you don’t understand is the way to go.
As the middle of the month arrives, the King of Wands suggests a different attitude will be needed – probably to see through the successful implementation of the tasks. So, this King is passionate, driven, motivated and a great ‘finisher’ – he’s got the experience and ability to bring the job to a successful conclusion. In other words, switching from an intellectual approach to these tasks should change to physical effort, personal drive and a belief in your own abilities, to get the job done. The King suggests that you are not only more than capable but that this approach is very likely to bring the success you hope for.
Another Wands card appears for the end of the month which is the Five of Wands. This card represents being faced with a hurdle of some sort – perhaps an obstacle which, at first, you might consider as one that you can’t possibly overcome. There is always a way over, under or through these obstacles and it just needs tackling with different approaches, or ideas. This is where the critical thinking and logic of the Queen of Swords and the passion and drive of the King of Wands combined will help you find the solution – don’t let this obstacle defeat you, look at it from different angles and you will find a way to overcome it with ease.
Read on, though, because this is the ‘birthday’ star sign and you have a special extra card to acknowledge this. Your card is:

The Two of Cups.
This card seems to have appeared for your birthday as an indicator that you are fun to be with – you are well liked and approachable. This is a very positive card with regards to new relationships and might even be suggesting there could be a moving to the next ‘level’ of a relationship to one with a real commitment, which is lovely news. If this is not relevant to you, then the Two of Cups could be suggesting that your ‘way’ with people is just right. You may develop or find a new relationship, without romance, but one which could bring a lot fun and happiness into your life one way or another. This card certainly represents a happy and interesting period for you bringing you great joy and excitement. Enjoy!

Initially, in May, you may feel you are reeling from a particularly difficult or painful episode. You could be feeling at the end of your tether and tired out. Whilst this is not an exciting prospect for you the good news is that the Ten of Swords is an indication that this episode is coming to completion and is likely to end very soon. This probably can’t come soon enough, however, the end of a bad time is often the beginning of a happier new one, so just keep yourself going till then.
In the middle of the month the Five of Cups, not surprisingly, suggests that a relationship may have taken its toll from the recent difficulties and upset, and it could be suffering as a result. Generally this card represents being afraid that a relationship cannot be repaired – but the message in it is also clear that this is not the case. The strains on you may have resulted in your mindset being particularly negative when looking at your relationship, but it is possible to change this. Instead of focusing on all the ‘irritating’ things in your relationship focus on the positive ones. This will soon help you see that things are really not as bad as you thought and some fun and happiness are likely to return very quickly.
The Emperor card appearing towards the end of the month suggests that there is a particularly strong character around you who will have a significant affect on you in some way. This person could be a father figure, a manager or person in authority that you can turn to if you need them. This person could be a powerful ally, you can rely on, to fight your corner for you if you need them to. Make use of their help whilst they have the time for you.

At the beginning of May you may be looking for some sort of funding or financial backing. You may feel that you need this support to help you complete the task you have undertaken – this could be a new job, a business or just a new financial situation that you are trying to manage (such as a new home).The Page of Pentacles suggests that there are financial solutions around to help you, if you look carefully enough. But the additional advice with this card is that you will benefit more from upgrading, or acquiring new skills before you can fully utilise any financial help. In other words it is not just money that will get you where you want to be but more expertise and knowledge on your part, too.
Judgement is a card which suggests that, in some way, you are likely to be in the spotlight in the middle of the month. This could be someone overseeing, and assessing, your approach/behaviours who could display their conclusion to you, and others, fairly soon. Ensure that, whether at work or home, the way you act is honest and kind and any ‘judgement’ is likely to be pleasant for you. As you can imagine, if you are behaving in a selfish, arrogant way then this will come out too – obviously this would not be the best outcome for you, so just be aware that you could be being ‘assessed’ in some way.
The Emperor has appeared to represent the end of the month. This card is likely to indicate there is a strong character in your life who may be able to help you in some way. The Emperor often represents a figure in authority – a guide, teacher, manager or someone who ‘oversees’ your work. They could be a father figure in your life, someone with a lot of similar experience to what you need, or just someone older who you admire. This person has enough power and influence to help you out in a significant way if you are able to approach them for the help you need. Sometimes these characters can seem daunting to approach but, because they may have a lot to offer you, don’t be afraid to ask – you may miss out on something wonderful.

The Lovers appearing for the beginning of the month suggests that, in terms of a relationship, there may be different options you are considering. This is a card of decision – perhaps around a current relationship – but it could also be referring to a new one which has come into your life. Your decision is likely to be whether you continue with it or not. You are probably aware of the complexities that relationships involve, not least because you are not solely dealing with your own feelings and emotions but someone else’s too. So, regardless of your decision the message with this card is to treat the other person with kindness and consideration. Try to understand what their emotional viewpoint is, too, so that you can make the right decision for both of you.
Money might be the issue for the middle of the month – the Five of Pentacles does suggest some worry around your finances when faced with a decision around your income. The message from this card is that the ‘loss’ of certain things in a material way, such as downsizing in house to make ends meet or other sacrifices, in the eyes of other people, might result in you feeling a ‘failure’. However, if you don’t let this bother you, and you can do this to manage your finances, then this is the right thing for you to do – don’t let what other people ‘think’ get in the way of being able to live your life the way you need to – it really doesn’t matter what other people think.
If you feel you need some advice, or other help, towards the end of the month then The Emperor suggests that someone around may be able to do so. The Emperor represents a strong character in your life – such as a father figure, a person in authority (a guide, professional, manager or something similar) – who could have the power, and influence, to help you in some way. Whilst you might find it daunting to approach them it is better to get a ‘sorry, no’ than miss out on the significant help they could give you – don’t be afraid to ask.

The Ten of Cups is a lovely card to appear for the beginning of May! This card is supremely positive, not only in terms of the relationships around you, but also in the sense that it tends to represent positive answers to questions and is generally a ‘yes’ card all round. So, the message is that you are likely to be very happy with your loved ones around you this month, and you are likely to be shown just how loved you really are. It is likely that you’ve worked very hard to get to this very happy time with regard to family and friends, and you are entitled to bask in your success every minute of the day. Enjoy! You may even find that most things just generally go ‘right’ for a change – make the most of it!
The Emperor suggests that, in the middle of the month, there is likely to be someone around you with significant power and influence who you can turn to for help. Although this person is likely to be a figure of authority, and may even make you feel daunted with regard to approaching them, don’t be afraid to ask for their help. The answer may be no, but if you don’t ask you won’t even stand a chance and you could miss out on some outstanding help.
The Knight of Swords, at the end of the month, suggests you could either be feeling adventurous and ready for a challenge, or you could find yourself winding yourself up for a battle of some sort. Either way, whichever kind of situation this Knight charges into, he tends to be very uninformed about it. He acts hastily in the first instance and thinks later, often embarrassing himself for using his armoury and energy in a futile battle. The message with this card is to know your subject well before embracing a challenge. Be informed and only use your energy if you need to.

The Ace of Cups is a lovely card to start the month with. This card represents the start of a new relationship – not necessarily a romantic one – which is likely bring interest and excitement to your life. This is a very positive card generally. Sometimes, though, the Ace can represent an upsurge in emotions and feelings too. It may be that you feel incredibly happy (or sad for that matter) in which case you will have the opportunity to harness that energy and use it for something beneficial to you. Upsurges in energy are great opportunities to make changes – perhaps that is exactly what you need right now.
The Seven of Pentacles is generally considered to be a decision card around your financial, or material (such as where/how you live day to day), standing. It may be that you are considering alternatives to your current financial situation. The message from this card is to consider carefully, from your past experiences, what you can manage with or without, and to also consider your current priorities – what is key to your existence now? Once you do this you should feel more confident about any decisions you have to make – especially if you take into account the lessons you have learned in the past and you are sure of what you can manage with now.
The Queen of Swords endorses this, and towards the end of the month she suggests that you use your critical thinking skills, logic and knowledge when approaching any different situation or task It is unlikely that using emotions and feelings, at this time, will help you handle the tasks you have undertaken. Her message would be to use your head more than your heart at the end of May.

The start of May is represented by The Chariot. The message with this card is the need to make a decision on where you want to go/what you want to achieve. The horses in the image are opposites and pull the charioteer in different directions – this represents being pulled in different ways by other forces, or people, around you and being diverted from your chosen path. The Chariot’s message is that, having made the decision about what you want to do going forward, you will need to be strong and stick to that decision regardless of who, or what, tries to divert you with their demands for attention. The alternative is to be pulled around by others and end up going round in circles, or wandering aimlessly. You know what is best for you.
In terms of relationships towards the middle of the month you are likely to shine like the Queen of Cups. This Queen does not have to work hard to be loved, she is confident in her beauty and emotional ability – she knows she draws people towards her like a flower draws a bee. Perhaps this would be a good time to get our to some social events, if you are seeking a new love. If you are not, then the message stays the same – perhaps it is time to just get out and about to get some fun and laughter – food for your soul. Remember that water (drinking or bathing in) is likely to be very beneficial for you at this time.
At the end of the month you could well be in some sort of a spotlight. The Judgement card is about someone (perhaps at work but could be in your social circle) assessing you in some way – this is really about a situation where someone is observing your actions – and the results of which are likely to come out soon. Obviously if you are kind and considerate in your daily life the outcome will be positive, but if you have been sparky or aggressive you might have this pointed out to you too. So, this card just gives us a heads up that sometimes other people could be about to make a judgement about us; you’ll know how you want to be seen and so it will be important to act in the relevant way.

The Four of Swords at the beginning of May suggests that you are due for a period of healing and calm recuperation after a difficult time. We all need to take time out occasionally, especially if we have been pushed to our limits. So, as you head into May ensure that you have time to treat yourself well – even if it’s time to do some gentle meditation and healing on yourself – even if it is just getting the sleep that you need, or a treat for yourself if you can afford it. You need to charge your energy levels right now and this should be your first priority as you head into May.
The second card indicates why this is likely to be important. The Eight of Wands suggests that a particular obstacle which has kept you static could well be removed. This means that you will be free to move forward with extra drive and passion; that your creativity is likely to be heightened and you could find yourself extremely busy with a project. Whilst it is very possible you will end up feeling very tired from all your efforts, you’ll also be very pleased at how productive you’ve been and what you have created.
Towards the end of the month be careful about any challenges that come your way. The Knight of Swords is renowned for charging into battles without knowing what he is even fighting for. Often he comes out the worse for wear and very embarrassed as a result. The message from this card is to only take on challenges that you are confident about. You don’t have to engage in every conflict anyway – but if you do then make sure you know your stuff or you could find yourself depleted in armoury and energy which could be put to much better use some other time.

You are likely to be aware that the Death card is not really about physical death in the main. This card is about the removal of something that you are used to, and might even enjoy – like a relationship or a job – which has served its purpose and been removed. It could also represent the end of a difficult cycle which might be something you need right now. The message from this card, though, is to keep moving forward – there is always a new day, a new adventure, another chance to do things better and that is worth remembering. Death might end a lot of things, but the Sun keeps rising and giving us a new day and a new chance. So, always look forward and not back.
The King of Cups is a card which highlights the approach to ‘love’ and ‘relationships’. It might be that, towards the middle of the month, it will be important to actively demonstrate your love and truly engage in your relationship rather than just saying the right words. The King of Cups is experienced and knowledgeable about love, and talks about it with authority, but he actually avoids engaging in relationships to avoid being hurt again. Actions speak louder than words, and this is likely to be the message, coming from this card, in May.
Another King makes an appearance for the end of May – the King of Wands. This card indicates that your passion and drive for your projects should get you far; this King makes great use of his skills and abilities as well as his physical motivation, and he consistently manages to get things done. He indicates that you have the same skills and attributes, so, even though it’s tiring, keep pushing to achieve those results – he knows you can do it.

You may feel ready for a new adventure at the start of May. Perhaps it is time to look at different ways to make your life more appealing and interesting to you. There is more to life than work and all its tedious chores…….perhaps it is time to have some fun and new experiences. This Knight is always looking for his next challenge and he uses his energies well. Perhaps there is a new project you are interested in? If so, it would seem that the Knight of Wands thinks you should give it a go!
Another Knight – of Pentacles – appears for the middle of the month and he is probably the complete opposite to the Knight of Wands. This Knight is dutiful and dependable. He puts a great deal of effort into every task he undertakes, with the patience to dot every i and cross every t – and that is the secret of his success. So, the Knight of Pentacles advises in the middle of May that you pay attention to every little details of the tasks you are faced with, if you wish to achieve the success that he enjoys.
At the end of May the Strength card advises you to watch your feelings carefully. You might find yourself needing some recognition or reward for your hard work. This card’s advice is to channel these energies into something more productive. You can demand and push as much as you like for attention, but the way to handle this, in May, is to swallow your pride and gently/persuasively engage those you need on your side. A softer approach will get you much further.

At the start of May, The Emperor might represent someone around you who could help you out if you need it. This person is likely to be a strong, confident character with some authority around them. Perhaps a professional person, or someone with lots of influence and/or experience in life. They might seem daunting to approach, but if there is an issue you need to sort out this person could help you, so don’t be afraid to ask. They might not be available at all times so take this opportunity whilst it is around you – their help could be very beneficial to you.
The Wheel of Fortune is a great card to come out if you feel you have been stuck in a rut. When the Wheel turns it can take you to interesting, and new, places and, possibly, even change your fortune! You can’t dictate when the Wheel turns but you can be alert to new opportunities and chances popping up out of nowhere – that’s when you know the Wheel is on the move taking it with you. Only you can make the most of these opportunities so be ready to grab them with both hands.
You might find relationships a bit lacklustre towards the end of May and you may even feel there’s no repairing them. The message from the Five of Cups is that your input to relationships is just as important as anyone else’s. If you are able to analyse your own emotions you might find you are focusing on all the negatives of the relationship, at the moment, which could be adding to the issue. If you make an effort to look for more of the positives you are likely to find that things change, very quickly, for the better.

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