Two months of the year left to go! The tarotscopes for November are below, just scroll down to find yours.
Well, I am glad to say goodbye to October it has not been the easiest month this year! In the pictures below you will see a heart creation made from salt dough, which I have been doing with all of my grandchildren, but this is my grandson’s – he’s having a difficult time at the moment (he’s only 11) at school. I am proud to include his creation in my pictures because it is beautiful. If you can spare some protective and loving vibes and send them to him I would be so grateful, there are times when you feel your own energies can’t span all the issues alone – and we are all part of the collective consciousness – I know there are many beautiful souls out there that can add their super energies to mine. Thank you.
I hope everyone has a happy and loving November and that these tarotscopes help you as you traverse your own intricate paths.
Best wishes
Patricia 💖

The Three of Pentacles heads up this pretty positive reading for Aries this November. This card indicates signs of success in terms of work, or business, and represents a lot of potential, in any project, for bigger and better things. It is important to continue to put the necessary effort into all your dealings with regard to this and especially in managing your finances because this is clearly the focus of all these cards in this reading for November.
The World is a hugely positive card – probably the most positive in a tarot deck. It represents having reached a stage in life where you have mastered all the necessary skills you need to successfully manage each of your journeys…… matter where they take you. This card also indicates that you are likely to start reaping the rewards of all your efforts over the recent past. Everything should feel absolutely right for you in November, and everything looks set to ‘go your way’. Remember to be grateful for all that you have, and all that you have achieved. There should be nothing that you can’t handle this coming month and you are likely to feel very happy and contented with life in general.
The Knight of Pentacles recognises the skills that you possess which have helped get you where you are today – paying attention to each detail, executing each task with precision, having patience and continuous effort to succeed – and that by continuing to utilise these skills there is still so much you can achieve.
You are certainly likely to master new skills too, with regard to work, business or your finances this coming month. You can’t get higher than a King in a suit of the tarot, which suggests that come November you could reach new heights of success. Things should really be going well for you, and your ability to provide for your family with a little luxury or two looks very possible. All the cards in this reading, apart from The World, are the suit of Pentacles which relate to your income, material standing and expertise – and each of these cards indicate success – these cards speak for themselves. Well done and enjoy!

The Three of Swords indicates that you may start the month by carrying over some pain from the previous month. You may have had an experience that brought you heartache, and it might be in respect of a romantic relationship, or it could be a betrayal of trust, or a loss of some kind. Whilst this kind of heartache can take time to recover from you must remember that you can and will heal from it. What you have learned from this will help you in the future, and perhaps guide further choices. There are times in life when things happen that we don’t understand, and we can’t see the point of …..until we get a bit further down the line and then, eventually, things can often start to make a lot of sense. Be kind and patient with yourself at the start of November – get your strength back for the next stage of your journey.
The Four of Pentacles shows that in terms of your home/material situation things have progressed, and you continue to climb the ladder of success. Along the way, however you may be faced with dilemmas and/or difficult choices with regards to your finances. For instance, you may be given an opportunity to do something different but you might feel worried about taking it up in case you lose money or security. Whilst it is sensible to be careful with money and to not take unnecessary risks, it is also important to occasionally take a leap of faith and try something new. Otherwise you could miss out on something even better. So, try not to adhere to the statement ‘better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t’.
You might also find yourself avoiding an issue, or a challenge of some sort, this coming month – the Two of Swords advises that it would be best to find out exactly what it is involved with regard to this, because if you don’t know enough about this issue you will only try to avoid it. The more you know about it the more confident you will feel about tackling it – plus the sooner you do deal with it the easier it will be.
The Hierophant is a card which represents a mentor or guide in some respect. Whilst this card could represent that it is spiritual guidance you are looking for, it could also represent your need for advice in any aspect of life. The important message from this card is to make sure this guidance comes from someone who you can trust totally, and who will be truthful and honest with you. You really do not need to be led down yet another unsuitable path, so choose wisely. Do your own research, too, so that you can be as well informed as possible and can question things you are not sure of. The Hierophant could help you significantly, though, so don’t feel ashamed about seeking their help.

The King of Cups could represent a ‘significant other’ person in your life already, or the prospect of one arriving on your scene. In either case the Ace of Swords and the Two of Cups following this card indicate that they will bring new insights for you, and the relationship looks set to prosper. Often the King of Cups can highlight the ability to talk about love but not wanting to truly engage in a relationship because of the fear of the pain it might bring. Perhaps if you have doubts about opening yourself up to this person in some way, it might be worth taking the chance – you might miss out on some wonderful experiences.
Apart from the effect on the King of Cups card, the Ace of Swords represents a new perspective of life and your attitude/approach to it. It could be that you feel somewhat differently to the way you used to, and that all the tenets you previously lived by no longer suit the way you feel. This different ‘attitude’ can sometimes come as a shock to those around you who are used to you the way you have always been – they might not understand why you have changed in this aspect, and you might even not be sure of the best way to act yourself in certain circumstances – this might cause confusion and misunderstandings. If you start to feel differently about things and want to act differently, then talk about it, since, once people understand the way you feel, they might be able to accept the changes in you more readily.
The Two of Cups is a card which represents the strengthening of a new relationship, and the likelihood of taking things to the level beyond just ‘acquaintances’. This can apply to romantic relationships as well as platonic ones. The message being that this relationship can bring much more to you than you expected – it is possible that it can bring you a lot of comfort, joy, fun and companionship even if doesn’t bring you romantic love.
But here we have The Devil. This card represents feelings of shame about the self – it could be with regard to current addictions and/or behaviours (past or present) which you carry some guilt about. The Devil card represents being held prisoner to your own shame and this mindset holding you back. Of course there is no actual devil holding you prisoner – it is your mindset and thoughts that could be making you feel unworthy of good things, and, possibly, that you don’t ‘deserve’ to be happy, successful or lucky, for example. In other words – you may be blocking your own progress. To abandon addictions, or to change your mindset (by forgiving yourself) is wholly in your own power – only you can free yourself from this self imposed prison. You can do it!

These cards speak clearly to me that to change your mindset from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’ is the way to go – as you will see as we read through the cards. The Devil represents the ‘I can’t’ attitude – whatever is holding you back from progressing (whether addictions, or feelings of guilt about past behaviours and actions) can be overcome. The Devil represents the ‘hold’ that feelings of guilt, or unworthiness, can have on your mind and the attitude that you are not ‘deserving’ of good things could be blocking your future success. Now is the time to be strong and to set yourself free. You can make the changes necessary to feel more wholesome and less shameful. You can eliminate addictions and you can forgive yourself for your past mistakes and actions. Each day is a new day and a new start – set yourself free from these feelings of unworthiness, and tell yourself you are ready and waiting for amazing things to happen for you.
The Knight of Swords is ready to charge into battle at the drop of a hat, he fights first and talks later, so his message is likely to be that you should make sure you know the ins and outs of a situation before you charge in head first. This Knight often finds out, too late, that he wasted his time and his energy on a battle which wasn’t worth fighting. Make sure you know exactly what you are fighting for, and have got the true facts, before you enter into any conflicts.
At some point in the month ahead it will become clear that your recent actions were justified (the Justice card). Once all the information about a particular issue (maybe even a legal one) is looked at, and considered, you are likely to be endorsed, by those involved, that your actions were proven to be the right ones. This will make you feel much better about yourself, and this particular issue can now be left behind. Also, this will be good experience to take into your future and whether you can trust yourself to handle things in the best way – which is always a good life lesson to learn.
The Queen of Wands has appeared to remind you that you can achieve whatever you want to achieve. There is no task that you won’t be able to handle if you give it a go. More importantly she seems to have appeared at time when the Knight of Swords suggests you are ready to move forwards and Justice gives you the confidence that you are on the right path – so, the Queen of Wands wants you to know that there is only one person you can totally trust to do anything the right way and that person is you! Be confident, be strong but be informed and knowledgeable too. You have much to do.

You may be feeling overwhelmed by life and what it brings at the moment. The Ten of Wands is a card which might even represent you being at the end of your tether. However, it is so important to have clarity of mind at this point, and to utilise what little energy you might have left, to ensure things go well for you in the coming weeks. Don’t give up – summon that last effort needed to finish the task you started – because the Ten of Wands is a completion card (Ten is the last card of the suit) you are nearly there!
This last journey is likely to have brought you new insights into life, resulting (as represented by the Ace of Swords) in a desire to do things differently in the future. You might be ready to find a new approach to life – you might find yourself searching for a vehicle (spiritual or otherwise) to help you make sense of this experience on earth. You might find your old views on life are out dated now, and what you believed was the right way might not feel so now. New attitudes can create some conflict for those around you who could be surprised at the change in you, so be clear in your communications, especially with those you love, why your views and approach have changed…so that they can be prepared for, and understand, your change in attitude.
The Devil card tends to represent a feeling of shame or guilt – sometimes it is around addictions that hold you back on a physical level, but more often than not it about guilt around decisions, or actions of the past, that you wish you hadn’t made. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone can make the wrong decisions and we can all be consumed, at times, with the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if only I had….’. We can’t get everything right all of the time and, to free yourself from this hold on your mind, it is important to learn how to forgive yourself and start again. This is entirely in your own power to do – things can be different going forward – and the only time you should think about past mistakes is to try and recognise what you have learned from them.
The Eight of Swords is a card which advises you also to ‘accept’ certain outcomes that you can’t control. Whilst we can change our own actions/thoughts/attitudes we can’t control what other people feel they want to do. So, this card is about doing what you can to make things better in difficult situations around you, but also being ready to accept some things won’t necessarily go the way you want them to. Your new attitude of understanding and acceptance of the difficulties in life, and the diverse nature of people, will, believe it or not, make you a much happier person.

Whilst the Five of Pentacles suggests that you may start the month ahead with some financial concerns, the Six of Pentacles indicates that something will come your way to help you out. This, hopefully, may give you the chance to not only sort out this particular issue, it could also restore your faith in human kindness, since it is likely to be some sort of gift or loan from someone else’s generosity. These things don’t happen often – indeed may not happen again – so this opportunity should be utilised to set you up for the future, should it transpire.
In terms of relationships, the Eight of Cups could represent an issue which you might not feel will ever be resolved, however, you may be able to salvage something if there is anything you feel you could do to make the difference (it is not the Ten of Swords – a completion card – so, there may be a way to go yet) – if you can do something to change the situation for the better then all well and good. If it is a situation in which the other person involved has had enough there may little else you can do to change that. If this is the case then the inherent message of this card is that you must be able to pick yourself up and look to your future – it is a card of acceptance – and through acceptance you can move forward in the way that you should.
The Eight of Wands, happily, indicates that in other respects things are very much achievable. In terms of projects, work or business any obstacles which have been in your way will be removed and you will enter a period of huge creativity and success. After the difficult time of hurdles hampering your progress, suddenly you’ll be able to hurtle forward and with that freedom, and your readiness to get back on the job, you’ll be having a very busy, but very productive, time in November. Remember to maximise this opportunity to get your projects to a great place, and remember to make the most of any gift or loan of money to get your finances in order once again. These things are in your hands to make the most of.

The Three of Cups is a celebratory card often representing a conception, birth or perhaps an engagement or even a marriage. This card represents some sort of growth within relationships and/or commitment to other people in your life. Whatever the situation, it would seem that there may be something to celebrate with regard to one of more of your close relationships, and it may be some other pleasing scenario if not one of those mentioned above. Whatever there is to celebrate enjoy it to the full.
The Chariot represents being pushed and pulled in different directions by other people, or events. There should come a point where you recognise you need to decide what is the most important path in your life and make the decision to head down it and to not be diverted by anything, or anyone else. The alternative will be an endless circling or drifting and not achieving any of your goals if you don’t grab the reins of your life and steer it the way you want it to go – and that will require some strength.
However, the Queen of Wands is a card which assures you that, regardless of what you are tasked with, you are ready and capable of dealing with anything. This Queen will always be ready for a challenge, take it on and do it well – she clearly feels you can do the same. This is a time for you to show your masterful skills.
There may be changes ahead, in terms of finances, that could be causing you some worry – perhaps you feel you might lose something that you consider to be important to your overall ‘status’ and you feel you might not be happy as a result. The Five of Pentacles is a card which asks you to ‘reassess’ what is valuable, and of vital importance to you – since your fear might be tied to old and outdated aspirations that really don’t suit you anymore. For example, moving into a smaller house, or taking a less senior appointment, or simply reducing your outgoings to suit your budget will only hurt you if you consider those things as ultra important in the eyes of other people. If these things will ease the pressure and take burdens off your shoulders making you a happier person then the ‘value’ of what you have will change, and your worries and fears are likely to disappear.

The Chariot asks you to get a firm grip on your direction because it may be that you are not really ‘getting anywhere’ just now. Usually this is other people or events which constantly push and pull you and divert you from your chosen path. As long as you allow people to do this, you will never reach your chosen destination because the chariot of your life is not being steered by your hand. This card wants you to make your decision about where you want to go and be determined enough to get there without being diverted. This can take some strength and means you have to sometimes say ‘no’ to people who demand too much of your time and attention.
The Emperor represents a strong character around you – probably a person in authority or a father-figure – who is likely to have quite a strong impact on your life in some way. The Emperor can be a strong and trustworthy ally to have around you, this person has influence and the ability to help you in a variety of ways. If you are struggling with something in November this person might be the one you can turn to for help – and you should do so immediately, because if you leave it too late they might not be around to help at any other time.
Whatever you are tasked with in November it will be important to give it your full attention and effort. The Knight of Pentacles is only as successful as he is because he pays attention to detail, and completes all his tasks to the best of his ability – he leaves nothing to chance. This card is likely to have come out in the reading to suggest that you should also apply yourself to your tasks this way if you wish to have the success that he does. Half hearted attempts will not bring the successful conclusions you desire, and it is in your power to ensure you apply yourself wholeheartedly to any tasks you undertake – the Knight suggests you will be surprised at the results.
At some point in the coming month Judgement indicates that in some way your actions or ‘behaviours’ might be under the spotlight – this could be at work, or in any of the circles you are involved in. Generally when this happens it can be surprising what you can learn about yourself – hopefully those holding you under scrutiny will be pleased with what they have seen and you will be vindicated for your actions. It would certainly be worth the effort to be extra careful about how you deal with others this November.
But read on because Scorpio is the birthday month and you get an extra card!

Happy Birthday month to all under the sign of Scorpio! May it bring you health, wealth and happiness!
Your extra card is The Hierophant. This card suggests that you could be seen as someone people can turn to for truth, knowledge and honesty. The Hierophant educates himself with all sorts of information to make sure that the advice he gives is sensible and true. The Hierophant is approachable, calm and understanding, he’s the perfect example of a mentor that people would look up to and hope to emulate. It is likely that people find comfort in your presence and that you give them the individual attention that they deserve. You are willing to learn, and are not judgemental about peoples’ flaws or failings and you are ready to help them overcome, and learn, from their mistakes. It is likely you are an old soul of the Universe, quite far on your spiritual journey with a wealth of positive traits you have gained over time. So, take some time for you this month. A quiet meditation for yourself and your own well-being will ground and centre you – you also need some care and attention.

The Five of Wands represents some obstacles that you might deem impossible to overcome – but the message in this card is that by looking at these hurdles from different perspectives will bring the solution of how to get over them. Look beyond the obvious and consider ways you would normally dismiss when dealing with these obstacles – there will be a way through, round, or over them.
There could be a partnership of some sort on offer to you in terms of your work, or possibly your income. This is quite a positive card because the Two of Pentacles represents the next level of growth with regards to a new opportunity. Obviously, offers of help don’t come round too often, and so, should you get the chance to split the load you carry, take it with both hands and ensure you use the help wisely. This could be the turning point when ideas are blossoming into financially viable projects.
The King of Cups could represent your ‘Significant Other’ in terms of relationships, however, this card could also represent yourself. The inherent message of this card is about being ‘knowledgeable’ about love and being able to give advice on it whilst avoiding relationships on a personal level – this King can talk the talk but will not engage in love because he does not want to experience the pain relationships can bring. Perhaps he has appeared to suggest you let yourself go a little – perhaps you need some loving companionship?
There could be someone around you in November who has a fair amount of influence and who could help you achieve want you need to achieve. The Emperor represents a person who has the assets and capabilities to further your current goal. This person is likely to be someone in authority or a father figure – someone you feel you can approach for help. If there is someone around you like this then November will be when their influence can have the biggest impact – if you leave it too late to ask, they may not be in the same position to help in the same way.

This is a very positive show of cards for Capricorn this month!
Starting with the Ten of Cups, which is a hugely happy and successful (if not lucky!) card, it looks as though you are looking at a very harmonious time in terms of your relationships – especially family. All looks set to be a time of joy and contentment on the home front and the people you love. You may have had a rocky road to get to this point but now you can sit back and enjoy the feelings of love and success with those who are important to you! Enjoy.
The Six of Pentacles suggests that you will benefit from someone else’s generosity and this – as well as restoring your faith in humankind – could be key for setting you up for the future in terms of your home or financial situation. Opportunities like this are few and far between so ensure you utilise this help to the maximum – it may not happen again.
There really isn’t a more positive card in a tarot deck than The World! This card represents achieving everything you hoped for in your journey, so far. Also, it is hoped that whilst this card is in your energy field any other tasks you undertake will also conclude with success – so if there is anything outstanding that you should be tackling then November is the month to do it – and hopefully with the greatest outcome possible. Make the most of this amazing time.
The Knight of Swords is the only card with some advice to be careful in your undertakings. This Knight tends to rush into conflicts, or situations, without the understanding of what the conflict is about – he fights first and asks questions later, and this means he can often look foolish for taking on a battle he didn’t even need to fight. Before charging in and engaging in any issues this coming month, make sure you know what the issue is, what the details are and whether it is worth engaging with at all – there is no point in wasting your efforts on an issue that doesn’t need that much of your energy and resources.

The Queen of Pentacles is a wonderful card to start a reading with, because she represents being in an excellent position, financially, to provide for herself and those she loves. She is expert at controlling her income and growing it too – she represents being independently able to look after herself. This card could indicate that in November you may find that you are in a much better position that you thought possible. However, it will continue to be your task to ensure that this it the way it stays.
The Hanged Man, however, suggests that on some other issue there may be a time of stagnation which could cause you frustration. The message from this card is that to push and struggle for an outcome to this issue will only create more problems for you and, so, just for the time being you are advised by this card to submit to patience and to use this time for the other tasks which need your attention – this will be a better use of your resources and your energy.
At some point in the coming month you might find that you have been, or will be, under the spotlight, according to the Judgement card. There may be someone, or people, who could be looking at your recent actions and behaviours who could well display their conclusions for all to see. If you have always acted with good intentions, and an honest approach, then any judgement should be pleasing for you. It is worth being extra careful, however, this month just to make sure you act in a way that engenders their support and endorsement.
In terms of relationships, the Knight of Cups could represent a new love interest. You might find that someone appears who awakens a spark of excitement and adventure in you – whether you pursue this interest is down to you. However, even if you are not interested in a full-on relationship, you might benefit from a short flirtation. If you are not interested in love at all, there is a chance that this Knight represents someone who could bring a lot of fun and joy to you in November – perhaps it would be wise to embrace this person because they may be able to bring you much happiness.

We have a set of interesting cards for Pisces this November.
The Seven of Wands indicates you may have lost enthusiasm, or motivation, in terms of any projects you are currently involved with – it is often the case that there is a lull after the initial excitement of a new enterprise. However, the way to get back on track is to revisit your initial goal and remember why you were excited and inspired to do this in the first place – doing this should ignite the passion which first got you going.
In the background – despite things appearing to be difficult or boring – a new destiny is unfolding for you. This is the message that The High Priestess brings – but she will not let you know what that destiny is, just now, because everything needs to be aligned in the right way, at the right time for you. This card just heralds some new prospects heading your way – in the meantime look for small signs or an interest in new ideas that catch your eye, they may be clues as to where this is heading. This might not be the time to make momentous decisions.
Remember that you have come a long way already, there is much you have achieved and you have gained the skills and abilities to tackle new projects with knowledge and experience. The King of Wands has appeared to remind you of these skills and that you are capable of giving anything a go – perhaps it is time to take on a new project or possibly an existing one. Your mastery, passion and drive might be needed in some way in November – it is probably a good idea to be ready to take it on.
I feel the Death card has appeared for a specific reason this Samhain/Halloween day. I feel it brings a message regarding any loss you may have experienced recently – if you look at the through each of the four cards the last thing you see is the sun rising. Death may bring loss but the sun always rises. I feel that this message is coming from beyond the veil – that after death there is something new – a nurturing light that Death can never reach and never destroy. We may not be able to see beyond the veil but we must trust – like we trust the sun will rise everyday – that there is something very welcoming and nurturing beyond the veil.
End of Tarotscopes.
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