The monthly Tarotscopes are written by Patricia at Simply Tarot.
Hi there!
These Tarotscopes are showing a lot of decision-making situations coming up in September for many of us. I feel there has been a real shift in the Universal Energies and we are being asked whether we want to respond to the chances on offer. Some of them are more difficult than others but the Tarot can help us navigate our way through anyway. Scroll down to find your star/zodiac sign and read the guidance the cards have given.
If you feel your Energies might need some help you could check out my other business which is where I enjoy soothing my own Energy with crystals, candles and all sorts of magickal goodies which you might like too.
Our Simply Tarot audience is growing and it is delightful seeing the Tarotscopes’ popularity increasing – so you sharing my effort is very much appreciated. Thank you all so much!
I can be found on Facebook at @simplytarotweb and I’d love you to join me there if you haven’t already.
Have a wonderful month ahead.
Sending loving vibes to you,
Patricia x

The Page of Pentacles gives a heads up, for you, in terms of there being resources available, in September, for a project to do with your work or an idea for a business. However, this card also indicates that you may have to improve your skills in terms of the work you are undertaking. By doing this you will be increasing your chances of success. You might have to put some time aside for research, learning, and making good use of financial help to make the most of this opportunity. Should you find some suitable funding, it will not be ‘how much’ you get, but how to maximise the impact this resource can have on your situation.
The Nine of Swords indicates that you could find yourself hindered by your own mindset. This card often represents thought patterns that are self deprecating, in that you blame yourself for mistakes or the choices you have made. Adjusting this mindset is quite hard to do, but just start with the knowledge that everyone makes mistakes – we are meant to learn from them – and it is not helpful to punish yourself like this, you are only human. You can change your mindset to a more forgiving one, you acted in the way you thought best at the time, and then allow yourself to move on. The King of Swords endorses this. He has appeared to show you that your mind is strong enough to overcome these destructive thoughts, and change your perception of yourself and life in general, so take heed of his advice.
You will need to be aware that this might happen, and should you find that you are being hard on yourself in September, remember that it is only you that has the ability to change your mindset, attitude and approach to life, and that you do have the capacity to succeed. The Six of Wands indicates that if you can master this, then there will be tangible signs of success which should give you the boost you need and encourage you to carry on one promising step at a time.

The King of Swords, whilst indicating a strong intellect and excellent clarity of mind, can also represent quite a harsh and emotionless attitude to the tasks and people at hand. Coupled with The Devil card it seems as though you could easily find yourself held hostage to your own feelings of guilt or shame, and feel you cannot escape behaving in a way you don’t particularly like in certain situations, and then you might then feel unable or unworthy to follow the path you really want to.
Perhaps the King of Swords is suggesting that you should be kinder on yourself, to not shut down your emotions because you feel you don’t deserve good things, or to not open your heart because you are afraid of being hurt again. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you have made, if there is something that is trapping you (an addiction or behaviour pattern) then you can make some changes if this is what you truly want. But it will take strength of mind and determination and some faith – something a logical mind might struggle with.
The Ten of Swords could be indicating that there is every chance a very painful period of time is likely to come to an end this coming month. Whilst this could bring some pain of its own, it would seem that at last you can be free from the constricting thoughts, and attitudes, that have had you trapped in this place for so long.
The Star has appeared to encourage you to look at, and for, more positive thoughts, emotions, aims and goals. This card says that, as long as you have faith in yourself, you can work hard to overcome that which has held you back, then a bright and wonderful future will unfold for you. Instead of allowing your thoughts to keep you trapped (and they are worse in your head than in reality probably), just keep your eyes on the beautiful light of The Star, and all the possibilities out there for you, as you start your journey to a new adventure full of promise and happiness and leave the sadness and pain behind where it belongs.

It may come as some relief to you that, come September, there is a release of blockages that have hindered you so far and you will now have an abundance of energy, creativity and productivity (Eight of Wands). Of course this means that there is plenty of work to be done and the demands on your time will be as pressing as ever, however, it does mean that you will be making progress instead of just treading water.
Whilst this is all going on, The High Priestess indicates that there is a new destiny unfolding for you in the background. You are not meant to know, right now, what that destiny is, and so September might not be the month to make any major decisions, but do, in the meantime, watch out for signs and take note of your gut instinct and/or intuition as this will be a time of Universal Energies working on your behalf. Be open to new thoughts and ideas.
The Seven of Cups indicates that there may be several options open to you, in terms of your relationship(s), this coming month. This may be a complex relationship, and there will be many aspects to consider, therefore think long and hard about the pros and cons of any options available so that you are able to make the wisest choice for all concerned – especially you, and if you should decide on one particular option it will be important to stick to that choice if it is to become a reality.
The Six of Pentacles could indicate a gift, or loan, that could ease your financial situation greatly. This is always good news, and will restore your faith in humankind, but the long term difference to your quality of life, and financial security, will depend on how well you use that gift. Make the most of it as these opportunities are pretty rare and allow it to create some security and stability for your long term future.

The Four of Cups could be indicating a lack of motivation, or enthusiasm, for a current relationship. Part of the problem could be your own view of this relationship, in that you might be focusing more on the negatives of it rather than the positives it brings to your life. You have the ability to make the difference, and to help bring this relationship back to a good place, if that is what you wish.
Temperance appearing in this reading could indicate that to some extent you are withholding emotion from a particular situation. This card generally emerges when logic, and intellect, just don’t cut the mustard – you need to balance out the situation. If there are any relationships that are suffering just now it is not the time to let your head call all the shots – allow your heart to have a say to redress the imbalance. In addition, this card could indicate that this is a good time to stop, and reflect, on just how far you have come and how all the roads you have traversed will have taught you something.
The Empress is a card which could represent a mother-figure in your life, or indeed, it might represent a pregnancy. At the same time, The Empress could be highlighting a mother/child dynamic in a relationship which needs looking at. Whether you are the mother dynamic or the child dynamic, only you will know, but, either way, this card calls for some nurture for those involved. Perhaps it will help to step out of the picture to help you see who it is that needs the nurturing, even if it is you, and why this nurturing is needed so much.
The Seven of Cups is highlighting options available with regard to key relationships. If there is one you are struggling with, then you should look carefully at what, ideally, you would like to get out of it. It is the long term impact of the options that you should consider, and there are likely to be many. Whichever option you decide on, it is important to try and stick with it so that the outcome you desire becomes a reality, otherwise you might find yourself wandering aimlessly, wondering where you should be, and what you should be, and who you should be with, and that is certainly not where you want to be.

The Four of Cups could be indicating that your love life has taken a bit of a nose-dive and that you have perhaps lost some motivation and interest in your key relationships. If you take a step back and look objectively at the situation you might be able to see that part of the problem is your own mindset. In other words, the way you are approaching this relationship could be half of the issue. Instead of focusing on all the negatives, a fresh look at what it brings to your table, in a more positive light, might be all that it takes to make things more interesting again.
On the money front, the Ten of Pentacles indicates that September is going to be a wonderful month for you. This financial security should enable you to plan for the long term, as well as engendering a feeling of contentment and happiness in your home life (however, this could be different should you not heed the advice of the Four of Cups above).
In addition, the Two of Wands could indicate that a new idea could be showing itself as a tangible opportunity to grow into a financial asset. As always, it will need attention and effort if you wish it to grow as it should. But with regard to this new idea, the Eight of Pentacles could be suggesting that you could do something to improve your skill-set – in terms of training or education – in this field, to enhance its sustainability and success.

The Hanged Man appearing after the Queen of Swords, seems to indicate that perhaps September should be a month when you submit more to your home life and your emotions, rather than approaching life in a mostly logical mindset (Queen of Swords). This Queen is known for her ability to hide her emotions, she is constantly on alert and acts aloof to avoid any possibilities of being hurt by relationships. If she is indicating that you have a tendency to do this, then the other cards are making you aware that there are other needs that should be tackled this coming month.
The Hanged Man card appearing after the Queen suggests that you might need to surrender that approach, and allow yourself to open yourself more to the emotions of life in general, and/or relationships. The Hanged Man, to some extent, is about surrendering to something – something you would rather avoid doing, but submitting to it allows a new perception to develop and enhances your overall understanding and well-being.
The King of Pentacles suggests that you have enough financial stability to now focus more on what life can offer you, and those around you, he is the King and Master of the suit (Pentacles) which is about your physical and material situation, in other words home and family. The fact that the King rather than the Queen of the suit has appeared endorses that this should be your next step.
The Queen of Cups is also a card that would ask you to embrace your love and emotions more, as this Queen represents the power of love and personality and how they can help. These cards seem to be highlighting the importance of not excluding any aspect of your character but to open up to all of them so that you can experience any of those things that are currently being denied by a logical and protective mindset. The tarot cards are all about learning and growing with each of the relevant suits to bring every experience to our door. Swords – intellect, Wands – adventure/endeavour, Cups – love/emotions, Pentacles – material security/home/family. We are asked to embrace all of these as we journey through life to experience them and grow from what they can teach us.

The Four of Cups is a card which highlights a fear of losing ones current financial stability by making a decision with regard to work or your income. But this card is advising that, whilst being cautious with money is generally seen as a good thing, there is a possibility that by being always risk-averse could mean some opportunities, that could bring so much more to you, could pass you by. So, if new opportunities do come your way in September do consider them rather than deciding it is just not going to happen. If you can be sure that you will not be any worse off by taking a risk then you might well benefit hugely from it.
The King of Cups could be indicating that key relationships might need some attention. Perhaps, one of you is not fully engaging in the relationship as much as they should. This is possibly to avoid painful issues, but really it is best to be open and honest – perhaps it is a matter of trust, in that, it could be fear of truthful confrontation escalating out of hand. Perhaps it is necessary to reassure each other that, regardless of any painful issues which crop up, the love you have for each other will always endure through the difficult times. Not trusting, and encouraging avoidance, could easily create an issue that doesn’t need to be there.
You may even be feeling that the relationship has changed in some way – the Six of Cups is a card representing a desire for the way a relationship was in the past. It is easy to look back through rose tinted spectacles seeing only the best and easiest part, but every relationship is tested in order for it to develop. Each difficult phase, if it is overcome, adds to the strength and durability of the relationship. Nothing is ever going to stay the same, nothing can, things will always evolve and quite often it is for the better.
The Page of Wands could be indicating some news on the horizon about a particular project or new opportunity you are interested in. This Page would just advise to not rush into something without carefully searching for advice, or considering the pros and cons as to whether it can really work for you. However, it is always nice to have options to consider.

There may be a decision, with regard to work or a business, that could affect your financial situation in September. Whilst sometimes this can be worrying, it can often be a time to reflect on what has happened in the past and to make decisions based on those experiences and what was learned from them. Consider what has worked for you before, or not, and allow that to help your decision process. This way you are likely to feel more confident with any decision you eventually go with.
You may be carrying some pain with regard to a recent situation, some sort of a loss of someone/something you cared deeply about. There is no avoiding this situation, or the pain that comes with it, and the Three of Swords is the card which represents this. Try not to look backwards just now, but forward to the happier days of your future, because they will come. When you are stronger you may be able to look back at this time without such pain and might have gained some understanding which helps you deal with it.
There may be some news in September, however, regarding a project or endeavour that you are interested in. When this news comes along, the Page of Wands advises to not rush into any decision without careful consideration and that you research into the pros and cons of all the possible outcomes.
The Four of Swords suggests that you have been through a very difficult time. You now need to allow yourself to rest and recuperate, this is probably the most important card in the reading, since if you don’t allow the healing to start right now it will take you much longer to recover. Please do believe that the future is very likely to be much brighter than you presently believe. Find your light, be kind to yourself and give yourself some healing and tender care, your contribution to the world is needed more than you know.

Come September you may be looking at your current financial security with regard to a decision regarding work and your income, as indicated by the Seven of Pentacles. Any decisions you have to make will be made easier by looking at past experiences, prioritising what you know will help in this circumstance, and what you would personally prefer, as opposed to opting for what might be seen as the ‘obvious’ choice. Make sure you get the best of what is right for you, not just what you think is ‘right’ for the situation.
The Lovers could indicate a new partnership developing, or it might mean having to make another decision in terms of your current relationship. Either way, this is not a decision you can blithely make without consideration of those involved, in other words try to be gentle and empathic if it is a decision you feel will cause some pain. You see, the Eight of Wands is indicating the release from hinderances, and recent blockages, which will project you into a new phase of creativity and enthusiasm which could make you want to fly (metaphorically speaking) and this could come as a shock to those around you, who may have viewed you as steady as a rock.
On the other hand, you have the ability to sail through difficult situations with serenity and aplomb, which is great for those around you. Just be careful to not disguise the Energy that the Eight of Wands talks about, so that you appear ‘accepting’ in a situation which really doesn’t please you at all. Find a path somewhere in the middle where you stand to gain as much as anyone else.

The Lovers brings a decision to your door in September. This could be with regard to a romantic relationship, but not necessarily. The inherent meaning of The Lovers card is about decisions – it may be a choice of a new partner, a temptation from a current partner and sometimes, I feel, the desire for a change from the norm with regards to relationships. Whatever this decision is, the important message from this card is to make that decision with care and consideration for all involved. Whatever the relationship is, it is the emotional impact of this decision which needs to be looked at and dealt with empathically.
It might be that this decision is related to a new project, business idea, or venture which is represented by the Ace of Wands. The Six of Wands next to it could mean that this new project will escalate much faster than normally, and thus could put strain on current relationships with those close to you. Of course it is exciting to have successful ventures growing apace, but if you are pulled into this endeavour to the exclusion of your loved ones, because you want it to succeed and quickly, then you might have other issues developing unnecessarily.
The Page of Cups is a gentle reminder of a time when your relationships were a priority – to not forget how it feels to yearn for a love in your life. Take some time to reflect on how much you wish to apply yourself to the success of your project, and at what cost to your relationships, and try to find a happy medium because you can, in fact, do both extremely well.

When the Queen of Cups appears in a reading it is generally to remind you of your attraction and lovable qualities. Sometimes this gets buried in the humdrum day to day stresses and strains of life. Take some time to pamper yourself to awaken the Queen of Cups that might be lying dormant within you. Do not disregard the usefulness of love in everyday situations, even at work. Every facet of our character has an important part to play. This is the time to let your Queen appear.
You may feel, at the moment, that your financial situation precludes you from taking risks (Four of Pentacles). Obviously, being careful with the resources you have is the sensible thing to do, but when this card appears it is a reminder that great opportunities could be missed through a reluctance to try anything new or challenging. If you are too risk-averse you might just miss the chance to make a whole lot more money.
The Knight of Cups could indicate someone coming into your life in terms of a romantic relationship, or this card could be indicating that you, perhaps, should think whether a relationship might be something that would be good for you just now. Maybe this Knight, sitting between two pentacles cards, and in the same reading as the Queen of Cups, is telling you that you could bring adventure and excitement into your life, work, or business through a young person. Whichever it is, there is no harm in understanding you have the power to attract people into your life and those people may well be able to help you achieve your goals. The Eight of Pentacles certainly indicates that, in terms of money, things are building for you and that there is something of interest to you which should be embraced as some sort of new skill to enhance the chances of you succeeding financially, and what’s more this could be something you truly enjoy which adds to the fun.

Although there may be a possible confrontation ahead you should consider whether this is a battle you really need to take on. The Five of Swords is a card which advises that not every battle needs to be fought, that there are times when, if you feel it is not the be all and end all, you can afford to let this one go. In the grand scheme of things there are always conflicts we can address, or not, and this might be one of these times.
Perhaps the Four of Pentacles is advising that you focus more on a decision you might need to make with regard to an opportunity heading your way. You could find yourself afraid to take any risks with regard to your current financial situation for fear of it all going wrong, but this card does gently advise that amazing opportunities for extra income might be missed by clinging to what you perceive to be ‘safe’. Providing you feel you could manage even if it doesn’t work out, then perhaps it is worth considering taking this new opportunity, and the possibilities it offers, but the choice is always yours.
Meanwhile The Devil card indicates that you could be feeling guilt or shame about your behaviours, or mistakes you’ve made. The Devil represents addictions, or thoughts which keep you tethered to a rut, stopping you from progression. The truth is it is your mindset that is keeping you tethered to one place. If you have addictions you can make the choice, and get help, to free yourself from them – if you feel ashamed of your behaviours each new day gives you a fresh start to forgive yourself and allow yourself to feel you are worthy of, and deserve, wonderful things. Just know that The Devil tells you he does not have any real hold on you – your own thoughts and attitudes are what hold you prisoner. You can set yourself free at any time you like.
You may be feeling like this because you have been through a very difficult time which has caused you to feel, think or behave in way you are not happy with. The Ten of Swords is saying that this painful period is close to completion, and sometime in the near future you will understand why it had to happen. September should see this phase finish and allow you to start a new, and hopefully, much more positive cycle, but it is up to you as to whether you leave the pain behind, or carry it forward with you – hopefully you will choose the former.
End of Tarotscopes.
The cards used for these Tarotscopes are from The Tarot House Deck designed and painted by Patricia.
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